Hello, I have a table with about 250 rows (may double within 6 months), and 50 columns on this page (warning: slow with IE). I'm using the JQuery Table sorter. But it is too slow with IE 7: it gives a warning about a slow javascript, and ask if I want to stop it. I've spent a lot of time to improve performances, so it works fine for all other browsers:
- sort text and digit only
- removed all but 2 parsers
- created an extra table that contains all the values, much faster than doing node.textContent() for each cell
- removed lowercase, trim, etc.
My version of the javascript is here. I think I cannot optimize it much more. I am looking for another fast implementation of a table sorter, or any good optimization I may have forgot, so that IE 7 won't complain about the execution time.
Edit: I've disabled sorting on 35 columns, it is still too long for IE