



Hi there,

I'm using PHP and PHPMyAdmin to create a small profile site. I'm giving members an ID number, based on which is the biggest number currently in the database, +1

I did 25 tests before I got the PHP script where I wanted it to be.

I then deleted those 25 entries using PHPMyAdmin.

But now, when my PHP code does this:

function getLatestID() {
    $query = "SELECT max(member_id) FROM members";
    $result = @mysql_query($query) or showError("unable to query database for user information");
    if (!($record = mysql_fetch_array($result))) return null;
    return $record[0];

I get the wrong number.

Test scenario: the database table holds 3 entries, with ID's 1, 2 and 3.

I start a debugging session and put a breakpoint on the return $record[0]. I check its contents and instead of 3, which is the biggest number, it's 28.

As in 25+3=28, the 25 entries that I allready deleted...

Does anybody know what's causing this and how I can fix it?

+5  A: 

If you're using auto_increment in MySQL then deleting records won't decrease the next value.

You can empty a table with TRUNCATE TABLE mytable - this will reset the value.

Thanks, that solved it. Too bad that the truncate command deletes all values. I'm lucky to have only 3 entries to replace. Imagine thousands of entries. Now I understand why people don't usually delete entries from their tables.
+6  A: 

It's probably because you have auto_increment set and the query is returning the highest id. When you deleted the other records, you probably didn't reset the auto increment count.

Indeed, this solved it.
For future, if you didn't already figure this out, you can reset it by going to the Operations tab for any given table.
+3  A: 

You can also change value that auto-increment thinks is the next value to allocate:


Note that if you put in a value that is less than the current max value in the auto-increment column, it'll change the value to that MAX+1. To see what the current next value is set to, do this:


At the end of the table definition, it'll show "AUTO_INCREMENT = 26" or whatever it's current value is.

Bill Karwin