




Example data: 1,000,000 rows

Structure: id (int), randomText(char 10), flag(boolean)

index creates for id, randomText and flag

This is mysql command:

update table_NAME set flag = 
     ( select flag from
           ( select @randomText:=randomText as 'randomText', '1' as flag
             from table_NAME where flag=0 limit 1
           ) as tmp 
     ) where randomText=@randomText;

Typically this took less than one second, but when I try to query it 1000 threads, it becomes almost 2 minutes, I tried InnoDB, MyISAM and MEMORY but no help.

I just want to get the randomText 500 at once (no dupplicate) and keep it loops.

What do you suggest?

+1  A: 

Assuming randomText is unique, that query appears to get the first row where flag=0 and set it to 1, surely more easily achieved with

update table_NAME set flag=1 where flag=0 limit 1;

Or is there more you are trying to do? Is the randomText duplicated?

Paul Dixon
It need randomText of the just updated row also, so your solution won't work, thank you for your reply.
+1  A: 

You seem to assume that more threads is better. Usually, that's not true.

John Saunders