SebaGR, thank you for putting me in the right direction. The padding/margin did indeed have something to say stopping the animation half-ways. I still had problems with text inside the element, and deletion onEnd, but eventually found the answer myself. I also added a wrapper-div with .information_messages
to allow for multiple .information_message
elements. Final result follows:
function hide(id){
dojo.byId(id).style.overflow = 'hidden';
node: id,
duration: 500,
properties: {
height: {start: dojo.contentBox(id).h, end: 0},
margin: {end: 0},
marginBottom: {end: 0},
padding: {start: 10, end: 0},
paddingLeft: {end: 10 },
paddingRight: {end: 10 },
borderWidth: {start: 1, end: 0}
onEnd: function(){
dojo.query('#' + id).orphan();
// when all information_message elements are deleted, delete
// the information_messages container as well. Animate
// padding change to prevent sudden 'jump' on deletion.
if(dojo.query('.information_message').length == 0){
node: dojo.query('#information_messages')[0],
duration: 500,
properties: {
padding: {start: 5, end: 0}
onEnd: function(){
<div id="information_messages">
<div class="information_message success" id="im1">
<a href="javascript:hide('im1');" class="right">Hide</a>
Success message 1
<div class="information_message error" id="im2">
<a href="javascript:hide('im2');" class="right">Hide</a>
Error message 1
#information_messages {
padding: 5px;
.information_message {
.error {
border: 1px solid #b2110a;
background-color: #f3dddc;
padding: 10px;
.success {
border: 1px solid #177415;
background-color: #d6f6d5;
padding: 10px;