



This is more out of curiosity that a real requirement, but I'm wondering if it's possible to treat JavaScript as (ideally) a first-class .NET citizen, or (secondarily) have some way of invoking/interpreting pure JavaScript functions (that don't require the DOM) in a desktop setting?

Has anyone ever attempted implementing a CLR version of JavaScript? Something tugs at the back of my mind concerning this, but now that I think about it it was PHP, not JavaScript.

+1  A: 

According to this page, there used to be 2 "implementations" on the CLR:

But both seem to be dead...

Ward Werbrouck
+4  A: 

For your second option, there's Rhino and things like it.

I love Rhino. It's pretty cool.
Pablo Santa Cruz
+1  A: 

It's perfectly possible to run JavaScript applications without the use of a web browser. You can do this just by running the application using cscript (typically javascript files end with .js).

Pete OHanlon
Oh hey Pete! Didn't notice that was you. :) Unfortunately I'm looking for a solution that I can embed into an application, but that's interesting and I didn't know you could do that!
No probs my man. How's it going?
Pete OHanlon
Going well--I've given up on WPF and am switching to the web side of things a la ASP.NET MVC, AJAX and such nifty acronyms. ;) Luckily my work is not bound to any particular OS (though my knowledge is still mostly .NET).
+2  A: 

JScript is available on .NET as a first-class citizen. It's not exactly JavaScript, but it may be close enough for your needs.

Matt Olenik
+3  A: 

Using the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) you can use Managed JScript. See the official JScript blog from Microsoft here.

This is goes for Ruby (IronRuby), Python (IronPython), and Dynamic VB. You can also write your own DLR language.

Danny G