



Reflector shows this for auto properties:

public string AddressLine1
        return this.<AddressLine1>k__BackingField;
        this.<AddressLine1>k__BackingField = value;

Is there any add-in or other tool that will convert it to:

public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }

I don't believe that any of these add-ins support the above:

buy would be happy if you proved me wrong.

+6  A: 

The current version of Reflector shows auto properties properly in the disassembler if the language is set to C# and the optimization is set to .NET 3.5. It only shows auto properties in that manner if the optimization is set to .NET 2.0. Select View -> Options and set the Optimization setting on the Disassembler options page.

Dustin Campbell
Cool. Do you know if this will affect the output of the FilDisassembler addin? I'll try it myself.
Jonathan Parker
It does. That's great!
Jonathan Parker