



How would I create an API for my web application? I am looking into Zend_Rest but I cannot grasp the idea behind it.

Basically, I would want something like this example:

$technorati = new Zend_Rest_Client('');
$result = $technorati->get();
echo $result->firstname() .' '. $result->lastname();

But I am totally lost on how to implement it using Zend Framework. Would I need to use Zend_Rest_Server? Any form of guidance on how to do this would be greatly appreciated...


What's the problem with the Zend Framework documentation on Zend_Rest_Server? There is an absolutely minimalistic example on how to use Zend_Rest_Server:

 * Say Hello
 * @param string $who
 * @param string $when
 * @return string
function sayHello($who, $when)
    return "Hello $who, Good $when";

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();

Or do you have any specific problem?

EDIT: Regarding your question about the MVC integration I think, that this would introduce an extrem overhead together with a lot of functionality you don't need for webservices. Nevertheless I should be possible to integrate the service in to the MVC without any major problems (barring the overhead).

class Hello
     * Say Hello
     * @param string $who
     * @param string $when
     * @return string
    function sayHello($who, $when)
        return "Hello $who, Good $when";

class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
     * @var Zend_Rest_Server
    protected $_server;

    public function init()
        // disable view rendering
        // disable layout (if you use layouts)

        $this->_server = new Zend_Rest_Server();

    public function __call($method, $args)
        $params = $this->_getAllParams();
        $params['method'] = $method;

 * This should allow you to call
 * By defining custom routes you're able to control the urls.

Please be aware that the code is untested and surely needs some tweaking especially regarding the error handling but it can serve as a simple MVC service example.

Stefan Gehrig
I could not find a good example on how to use that in MVC. Can you show me how to do that within a Controller?
Thank you for the example. I wanted something like this because I want to use "parts" of Zend Framework to query my database, etc. I would upvote if I had enough reputation :) Really appreciate the reply :D
JUst to make that clear: you don't have to use the MVC just to use the other Zend Framework components. In that way the Zend Framework is not as strict as other PHP frameworks - it's merely a collection of components to be used at will (with not too many inter-component dependencies).
Stefan Gehrig