Huge database in mssql2005 with big codebase depending on the structure of this database.
I have about 10 similar tables they all contain either the file name or the full path to the file. The full path is always dependent on the item id so it doesn't make sense to store it in the database. Getting useful data out of these tables goes a little like this:
SELECT a.item_id
, a.filename
SELECT id_item AS item_id
, path AS filename
FROM xMedia
-- media_path has a different collation
SELECT item_id AS item_id
, (media_path COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) AS filename
FROM yMedia
-- fullPath contains more than just the filename
SELECT itemId AS item_id
, RIGHT(fullPath, CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(fullPath))-1) AS filename
FROM zMedia
-- real database has over 10 of these tables
) a
I'd like to create a single view of all these tables so that new code using this data-disaster doesn't need to know about all the different media tables. I'd also like use this view for insert and update statements. Obviously old code would still rely on the tables to be up to date.
After reading the msdn page about creating views in mssql2005 I don't think a view with SCHEMABINDING would be enough.
How would I create such an updateable view?
Is this the right way to go?