Background: I developed a web app in ASP.Net 3.5 in C#. It runs great but now a few users have reported that they recieve an error sometimes. I have tried to duplicate the error but it has been hard. One time though when I let the app sit I came back later and tried to move it along and it errored out. I would think that has something to do with the timeout but I am using the view state.
Any ideas? When I look at the eventLog I do see the following error entry.
Thank You for your help and ideas!
My event log has the following errors:
Event code: 4005
Event message: Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired.
Event time: 14/03/2008 13:19:26
Event time (UTC): 14/03/2008 13:19:26
Event ID: d9f0333c2eed46e0b0207da69d2ea70e
Event sequence: 154
Event occurrence: 5
Event detail code: 50202