How do I just simply allow MySQL to assign a primary key to an inserted object with nhibernate? It seems I would want to set the generator as a type "identity", but the documentation states that using this "..require[s] two SQL queries to insert a new object." Why would it do that? Is there some way to get this functioning like a normal insert sql statement?
The reason that it requires two queries is that with an identity the value of the column is not defined until the row is inserted. Therefore it requires a select after insert to get the column value for the inserted object. This is pretty standard and I wouldn't let it stop me from using autogenerated keys as my primary key. The other option is to pre-generate the key -- say a GUID for the new object before persisting it to the database. For the most part I don't really see an advantage to this unless there are other mitigating circumstances, such as having to merge data from separate databases where autogenerated keys might collide.
There's an obvious advantage: Letting NHibernate use Guids or Hilo as the id generator will enable an extremely cool feature in NHibernate: batching. Just configure NHibernate to use batching (for like, say 1000 statements), and your inserts will suddenly be extremely fast.
Fabio has a post about the various availabe generators here - extremely useful reading if you are using NHibernate (or if you know someone who thinks NHibernate performs badly).