



I am trying to deserialize a Xml Fragment. I am nearly there but it throws an error where by it does not expect the first element. An example of the XML in the stream is as follows:

  <Project xmlns="" xmlns:i=""&gt;
  <ProjectDescription>Description here</ProjectDescription> 
  <ProjectTitle>Poject title</ProjectTitle> 

I am using the following code to deserialize:

  XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Project));
  XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
  settings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.None;
  settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
  settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto;
  settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true;
  settings.NameTable = new NameTable();
  XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(wresp.GetResponseStream(),settings);
  Project p = (Project)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

But the above throws the following error:

There is an error in XML document (1, 2).
"<Project xmlns=''&gt; was not expected."

Anyone have any ideas how I can read an XML Fragment using a XML Reader?



+2  A: 

In your Project class definition, have you tried specifying a namespace in an XmlRoot attribute?

Lol, and thats that!! Thanks very much for your time. Adding that attribute sorted it a treat. Thank you. :-)

Thank you for posting this code snippet actually. I was looking for a way of doing this, this afternoon. I was getting aresponse stream from a rest webservice, and I was just looking how to conform the response to an xsd. I stumbled across your post and I manage to implement my solution by using your code as a guideline. Awesome thank you, by you having a problem helped me avoid one !! :-)

Gary Woodfine
Brilliant! :-) I appreciate things like that too when it happens to me. I am glad it has helped you also. Cheers again :-)