



Edit: I was missing two things here. The lack of "Content-Type:text/xml" in the header returned by the AJAX call was preventing JQuery from treating the returned data as a document. Once that was handled correctly, this code parsed correctly and output just the index and project name.

  var api_token = $("#token").val();
  var form_fbod = $("#fbod").val();
  $.post("fbinfo.php", {fbod: form_fbod, token: api_token, cmd : 'listProjects', extra:''}, function(returned_xml) {
    var output = '';
      var project = $(this);
      output += project.find("ixProject").text();
      output += " ";
      output += project.find("sProject").text();
      output += "\n";

Original: I'm having fun using the FogBugz API and JQuery to put together what I think will be a cool little tool, but I'm running into a JQuery limitation. CDATA tags seem to confuse it.

Here's the code I'm using:

    var api_token = $("#token").val();
    var form_fbod = $("#fbod").val();
    $.post("fbinfo.php", {fbod: form_fbod, token: api_token, cmd : 'listProjects', extra:''}, function(xml) {
      var output = xml;
        var project = $(this);
        output += "\n\n";

        output += project.html();



And here 's the output I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response>
<sEmail><![CDATA[[email protected]]]></sEmail>

<sProject><![CDATA[Sample Project]]></sProject>
<sEmail><![CDATA[[email protected]]]></sEmail>



It would seem that the XML parsing that's native to JQuery discards the contents of CDATA elements. FogBugz puts most of our string data in CDATA tags because we allow special characters and punctuation in most places. Enclosing the output in CDATA tags allows us to rest relatively assured that we're sending back valid data via our API. PHP parsing of the XML works just fine. My research online yields a few people complaining about this, but not much work getting done. With JQuery's extensibility, I would think that there's something out there. Has anyone else accomplished this?

+3  A: 