Unfortunately, you can't use a VB6/VBA function as a callback directly as VB6 only generates stdcall
functions rather than the cdecl
functions SQLite expects.
You will need to write a C dll to proxy the calls back and forth or recompile SQLite to to support your own custom extension.
After recompiling your dll to export the functions as stdcall
, you can register a function with the following code:
'Create Function
Public Declare Function sqlite3_create_function Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal db As Long, ByVal zFunctionName As String, ByVal nArg As Long, ByVal eTextRep As Long, ByVal pApp As Long, ByVal xFunc As Long, ByVal xStep As Long, ByVal xFinal As Long) As Long
'Gets a value
Public Declare Function sqlite3_value_type Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal arg As Long) As SQLiteDataTypes 'Gets the type
Public Declare Function sqlite3_value_text_bstr Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal arg As Long) As String 'Gets as String
Public Declare Function sqlite3_value_int Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal arg As Long) As Long 'Gets as Long
'Sets the Function Result
Public Declare Sub sqlite3_result_int Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal context As Long, ByVal value As Long)
Public Declare Sub sqlite3_result_error_code Lib "SQLiteVB.dll" (ByVal context As Long, ByVal value As Long)
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As Any, source As Any, ByVal bytes As Long)
Public Property Get ArgValue(ByVal argv As Long, ByVal index As Long) As Long
CopyMemory ArgValue, ByVal (argv + index * 4), 4
End Property
Public Sub FirstCharCallback(ByVal context As Long, ByVal argc As Long, ByVal argv As Long)
Dim arg1 As String
If argc >= 1 Then
arg1 = sqlite3_value_text_bstr(ArgValue(argv, 0))
sqlite3_result_int context, AscW(arg1)
sqlite3_result_error_code context, 666
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RegisterFirstChar(ByVal db As Long)
sqlite3_create_function db, "FirstChar", 1, 0, 0, AddressOf FirstCharCallback, 0, 0
'Example query: SELECT FirstChar(field) FROM Table
End Sub