I have WindowsXP as GuestOS inside VirtualBox running on Ubuntu 8.10. I am able to use Netmeeting inside WindowsXP (Guest) and connect to other machines in the intranet.
Netmeeting listens to the ports 1503 and 1720 (among other ports).
Now I would like to know how I can connect to the Netmeeting which is inside VirtualBox from a machine on the intranet. THe Guest OS has only NAT translated IP address (
VirtualBox provides a way to forward ports using VBoxManage. But my question is, in the Host OS, no application is listening to the ports 1503 and 1720. This being the case, how can I forward a request coming to Host:1503 -> GuestOS:1503 ? Should I use any dummy listeners to listen to 1503 and 1720 so that they ports are"open"?