Hello! I have a tag class which extends UIComponent and UIOutput. In this class I have encodeBegin and encodeEnd which I can use my contextWriter to output any kinda html tag I want too by using writer.startElement("div", myComponent) and so on.
My problem now is that I need to insert for example a instead of using the writer.startElement. I can get this done by doing getChildren().add(HtmlCommandButton button = new HtmlCommandButton()); but when doing it like that I cant seem to output the component where I want them to appear, like I can with write.startElement.
Does anyone have any good solutions in how I can take advantage of richfaces tags, JSF tags and similar in my own taglibrary? In short what I would really want to do is inside my encodeBegin:
writer.startElement("a4j:commandButton", myComponent);
writer.writeAttribite("action", "#{Handler.myAction}", null);
Thanks by advance