



I am generating a PDF file dynamically from html/css using the cfdocument tag. There are blocks of content that I don't want to span multiple pages.

After some searching I found that the style "page-break-inside" is supported according to the docs. However in my testing the declaration "page-break-inside: avoid" does no good.

Any suggestions on getting this style declaration to work, or have alternative suggestions?

Here is an example. I would expect the content in the div tag not to span a page break but it does.

<cfdocument format="flashpaper">
    <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
     <div style="page-break-inside: avoid">
      <h1>Table Label</h1>
+2  A: 

Not an ideal solution, but I've forced page breaks before blocks that need to be kept together. Use page-break-before to trigger a page break before the block.

I don't think there is a way to specifically forbid breaking within (that is honored by the PDF engine).

Ben Doom
I hoped this wouldn't be necessary -- the content height is very dynamic. I guess if this is the only solution then I'll just have to estimate height somehow... or see if what I'm doing would work better in the report builder.
Dan Roberts
Frustrating that the docs say this style is supported and it fits this situation perfectly but it doesn't actually work. Submitting a bug report now.
Dan Roberts

In case you haven't solved this already, I had the same problem and came across this solutions in the CF8 Live Docs and it seems to have worked for me.

"Simply putting a
after the image yet inside the TD worked fine and the images no longer are cut."
