I have a client that wants to move their users from MS-Access to a PHP/MySQL web application. The data has already been migrated to MySQL and, thankfully, there are no Access forms, just queries. What they want me to do is build some kind of querying framework where users can build queries, save them, filter/drill-down results, sort by any given column, and export to CSV (or native Excel, if possible). Some queries will include joins, but I don't think more than two (maybe three) tables.
I've started building this, but it's daunting and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. I'm looking for suggestions on an existing open-source or freeware (budget it tight, natch) query designer framework or engine that I can either plug into my existing project, or is customizable enough that I can change colors and look/feel to match.
I've looked at Xataface, but it's querying seems a bit static and not very user-friendly for my purposes. (My users will be non-tech types that don't want to learn methods.)
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