+1  A: 

Don't assign values to self. All that does is replace the binding to the self variable in the scope of the method call. It does not call a magical copy constructor to replace the object reference in the caller. Instead, copy the fields into self. Try something like:

if isfield(tmp,'obj')
   self.image = tmp.obj.image;
   self.objCount = tmp.obj.objCount;
Mr Fooz
Thank you for your answer. Yes that is one way to go. I was thinking I could do it without having to individual reassign each field.
Well, if you want to trust the data file (generally a bad idea), you could iterate over the fields in obj and assign them in a loop. See the FIELDNAMES function. for fn = fieldnames(tmp.obj), assert(isfield(self, fn{1}); self.(fn{1}) = tmp.obj.(fn{1}); end
Mr Fooz
yes that was one thought but my object has some public constants so I can't just loop over all the fields as you suggest.
Could you modify the serialization mechanism so that the public constants aren't saved?
Mr Fooz
I will have to look into how to do that. My guess would be through MATLAB's saveobj/loadobj methods.
Creating saveobj/loadobj methods which do not save or load public constants is a good idea.
+1  A: 

I believe Mr Fooz is right. The self variable passed to load_object is an object of type "myObj", but the line:

self = tmp.obj;

is simply overwriting the self variable with the structure stored in tmp.obj. Doing:

self.image = tmp.obj.image;

should instead invoke a set operator for the image property of object self. In the MATLAB documentation there is a sample class definition with a method called "set.OfficeNumber" that illustrates this.

In addition, the following line in your function savingMyObject may be unnecessary:

obj = self;

I think it might make most sense (and make the code a little clearer) if you used the name "obj" in place of the word "self" within your class code (as the documentation tends to do). "self" doesn't appear to be any kind of special keyword in MATLAB (like it may be in other languages). It's just another variable as far as I can tell. =)

EDIT #1:

If the prospect of having to set each property individually in your load_object method doesn't sound like fun, one way around it is if you have a SET method for your object that is designed like the SET method for handle graphics. That SET command can accept a structure input where each field name is a property name and each field value is the new value for that property. Then you would have one call like:


Quite a bit shorter, especially if you have lots of properties to set. Of course, you'd then have to write the new SET method for your object, but the shortened syntax may be worth the extra work if it comes in handy elsewhere too. =)

EDIT #2:

You may be able to use the loop Mr Fooz suggested in conjunction with a try/catch block:

fn = fieldnames(tmp.obj);
for i = 1:numel(fn),
    self.(fn{i}) = tmp.obj.(fn{i});
    % Throw a warning here, or potentially just do nothing.
I agree that the line obj=self is unnecessary but is used for some backward compatibility to older code that expects the MAT file to have a _obj_ variable.
It seems that the class methods need to have a _Self_ (in Mathwork's doc they use _obj_). I had assumed it was a pointer to the current instance of the class. Guess I need to go back and read the doc's again.
Ah, I understand now why you need the line "obj=self". Your code for loading the MAT file also expects there to be a variable named "obj". Unfortunately, MATLAB doesn't really have pointers, per se. The handle class allows you to treat objects as pointer-like, but it can get a little confusing.
hmmm, tried the set(self,tmp.obj) suggestions but it throws a "conversion to double from MyObj is not possible" error.
Did you write a SET method for MyObj? That's the caveat here... objects don't have one by default. The default SET command is for handle graphics, and it accepts a handle which is a double precision value. You would have to make your own that mimics the default SET behavior.
ah, I hadn't written an overload for SET. I thought I could get away with the set.image type methods I had written. Guess not
+1  A: 

Combining Mr Fooz's and gnovice's suggestions, I added a SET function with the following definition

function set(self,varargin)
    if isa(varargin{1},'FujiCalibration')
        tmp = varargin{1};
        fns = fieldnames(self);
        for i = 1:length(fns)
            if strcmpi(fns{i}(1:2),'p_')
                self.(fns{i}) = tmp.(fns{i});
        self.calibImage = tmp.calibImage;
        for n=1:2:length(varargin)
            tmp = proplist(strcmpi(proplist,varargin{n}));
            value = varargin{n+1};
            switch length(tmp)
                case 0
                    msg = char(strcat('There is no ''', varargin{n}, '''property'));
                case 1
                    tmp = char(tmp);
                    self.(tmp) = value;

I then modified the load_object method as suggested by gnovice by changing

self = tmp.obj



I need to make sure that properties with values I want to persist are prefixed with 'p_'.

Thanks to gnovice and Mr Fooz for their answers.


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