
I am not sure if I understand the question correctly, but when dealing with System.Data.DataTable the following should work.

for (Int32 r0 = 0; r0 < dataTable.Rows.Count; r0++)
   for (Int32 r1 = r0 + 1; r1 < dataTable.Rows.Count; r1++)
      Boolean rowsEqual = true;

      for (Int32 c = 0; c < dataTable.Columns.Count; c++)
         if (!Object.Equals(dataTable.Rows[r0][c], dataTable.Rows[r1][c])
            rowsEqual = false;

      if (rowsEqual)
            String.Format("Row {0} is a duplicate of row {1}.", r0, r1))
Daniel Brückner
Wow! Expensive O(n^2)
I have implemented this method and it does accomplish what I am asking here. Thank you! I am continuing to look to a solution that utilizes a less expensive approach.

I'm not too knowledgable about LINQ, but can you use the .Distinct() operator?


Your question doesn't make clear whether you need to specifically identify duplicate rows, or whether you're just looking to remove them from your query. Adding "Distinct" would remove the extra instances, though it wouldn't necessarily tell you what they were.

I am looking to identify the rows - I edited the question to reflect that.
+1  A: 

The easiest way to get this done without O(n2) complexity is going to be using a data structure that efficiently implements Set operations, specifically a Contains operation. Fortunately .NET (as of 3.0) contains the HashSet object which does this for you. In order to make use of this you're going to need a single object that encapsulates a row in your DataTable.

If DataRow won't work, I recommend converting relevant records into strings, concatenating them then placing those in the HashSet. Before you insert a row check to see if the HashSet already contains it (using Contains). If it does, you've found a duplicate.


This method is O(n).

Waylon Flinn
This solution worked as well and is O(n)