




I'm using cucumber to generate test scripts that can be executed by a tool or human... so not the standard use.

However I would like to pass through the scenario and example names through to my output.

Is this possible?

+2  A: 

I don't know off hand, but from what I know of cucumber it's probably something like:

Given that you know the scenario and example names
    and I want to know the scenario and example names
    could you Give the scenario and example names
    to me

Of course, there's some punctuation missing...

LOL... At least now I know what "cucumber" is.
Andrew Flanagan
+1  A: 

A more serious answer (or at least, suggestion): make use of ruby's reflection to try to find what you are looking for. Grab likely objects, find out what methods they have, and see if you can find it. For example:

File.open('happy_hunting.log','a') { |f|
    f.print "Scenario supports: #{(scenario.methods - Object.methods).inspect}\n"

and then repeat it to figure out whats where.

Another suggestion, look at the source.

+1  A: 

Found it.. (with some help from Tim Walker)

Before do |scenario|
 puts "Before Scenario: #{scenario.to_sexp[2]}"

Your SExpression may differ, so it's worth doing a scenario.to_sexp.inspect to see what that tree is.

Aslak is keen to avoid exposing properties on his classes (which is a decision I happen to agree with, so I'm happy to do this work around).

Nigel Thorne