I have a small form where I want the values to be updated on change for my select boxes which can be done with:
$("form#updateclient select").change(function(){ // use one selector for all 3 selects
// data to send
completed: $("select#completed").val(),
hours: $("select#hours").val(),
update_id: $("#u_id").val(),
who: $("select#who").val()
}, function(data) {
// do callback stuff with the server response 'data' here
But I have a input text field, where a user can enter the amount of hours, when they click out of the box THEN send that AJAX request to a PHP page.
And the #completed field is now a checkbox, does that pass the same was as an input? How would that work with jQuery, so if you check or uncheck send that info and update database
The thing I have been trying to research now is what is the best way to retrieve those values from the server and update them on the page using AJAX. So once i update my dropdown, it will keep that same result.
Any ideas?