When I switch between buffers in vim with ":bn" and ":bp", my status line shows the following handy information:
"foo.txt" 43 lines --88%-- ((1) of 3) 38,1 All
(I think it's "set showmode" that enables that.) But that "(1)" is always literally "(1)" -- it doesn't change as I change buffers. (The parens around the "1" are strange as well.)
Does anyone know how to fix that?
ADDED: It probably has to do with something nutty in my .vimrc, which is here: http://yootles.com/outbox/.vimrc
Relatedly, here's a handy trick to make switching buffers really painless (entries in .vimrc):
"left/right arrows to switch buffers in normal mode
map <right> :bn<cr>
map <left> :bp<cr>
Keywords to improve searchability: vim, multiple buffers, switching between buffers, strange status line. [Add others here if you were looking for answers to this question and didn't find this on your first attempt!]