I'm getting some html data from remote server and before displaying it in the UI of application i need to make some changes, i.e. delete counters, replace links, etc. Removing some tag with contents and changing specific link is not a big deal, but when it comes to some advanced processing, i have some problems.There is a need to replace (delete) few html tag attributes (not a tag itself - there are plenty of examples over internet about this). For example : delete all onmouseover handlers from buttons. I know that XPath would be a perfect fit for such problem, but i don't know it at all and although my information is XHTML-complaint, it's stored in a string variable and not queryable :(. So i'm trying to use Regular Expressions to solve this problem, with no success for now. I guess it's a mistake in pattern...
public string Processing (string Source, string Tag, string Attribute)
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Source, string.Format(@"<{0}(\s+({1}=""([^""]*)""|\w+=(""[^""]*""|\S+)))+>", Tag, Attribute), string.Empty);
string before = @"<input type=""text"" name=""Input"" id=""Input"" onMouseOver=""some js to be eliminated"">";
string after = Processing(before,"input","onMouseOver");
// expected : <input type="text" name="Input" id="Input">"