Code generation is my business :-)
Comments on a few options:
- Pro: industrial support
- Con: you have to buy into their type system pretty much completely; depending on what you want to do with types, this may not matter
- Con: Only Windows platform is really prime-time quality
- Pro: enthusiastic user community with charismatic leader
- Pro: many interesting performance improvements
- Con: somewhat complex interface
- Con: history of holes in the engineering; as LLVM matures expect the holes in the engineering to be plugged by adding to the complexity of the interface
- Pro: target is an actual written language, not an API; you can easily inspect, debug, and edit your C-- code
- Pro: design is reasonably mature and reasonably clean
- Pro: supports accurate garbage collection
- Pro: most users report it is very easy to use
- Con: very small development team
- Con: as of early 2009, supports only three hardware platforms (x86, PPC, ARM)
- Con: does not ship with a garbage collector
- Con: future of project is uncertain
C as target language
- Pro: looks easy
- Con: nearly impossible to get decent performance
- Con: will drive you nuts in the long run; ask the long line of people who have tried to compile Haskell, ML, Modula-3, Scheme and more using this technique. At some point every one of these people gave up and built their own native code generator.
Summary: anything except C is a reasonable choice. For the best combination of flexibility, quality, and expected longevity, I'd probably recommend LLVM. But your example code is very close to C--, so that may be an advantage.
Full disclosure: I am affiliated with the C-- project.