There's no magic method that lets you surrogate timesheet as far as I know. If you want to be able to use QueueUpdateTimesheet's method on behalf of other users, you'll have to "hack" a bit your DataSet.
Be aware that you need to do the prerequisite to impersonate the user ( Once its all done you can proceed ;)
First of all, retreive your timesheetRow:
Proxy.TimesheetListDataSet.TimesheetsRow tsFound = null;
foreach (Proxy.TimesheetListDataSet.TimesheetsRow ts in ds.Timesheets)
if (ts.WPRD_START_DATE <= day.Date && ts.WPRD_FINISH_DATE > day.Date)
tsFound = ts;
Then retrieve the timesheet dataSet:
Proxy.TimesheetDataSet tds = timesheetSvc.ReadTimesheet(tsFound.TS_UID);
Then perform this to enable surrogating:
if (Boolean.Parse(tds.Headers.Rows[0]["TS_IS_CONTROLLED_BY_OWNER"].ToString()) == true)
tds.Headers.Rows[0]["TS_IS_CONTROLLED_BY_OWNER"] = false;
tds.Headers.Rows[0]["TS_CREATOR_RES_UID"] = "[SUPER USER GUID]"
Finally push the updated dataSet:
timesheetSvc.QueueUpdateTimesheet(Guid.NewGuid(), tsFound.TS_UID, updatedTimesheetDataSet);
Hope it helps!