I am working with the Community Server framework.
One of the provided form controls allows the user to update his/her 'status'. For example: 'Joe: is going to get coffee : 12:30am'.
I want to change the format of that message before it goes into the database(goes in as formatted HTML). I want to take out the ":" character between the name and the message - or perhaps do other formatting.
The formatting is completed via the 'UpdateStatusMessageForm' instantiating 'ActivityMessage' type with the status message the user entered. 'ActivityMessage' calls it's formatting method seen below:
public static string GetFormat(IActivityMessage message, string timeCssClass)
return string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>: {2} <span class='{3}'>{4}</span>", SiteUrls.Instance().UserProfile(message.Author.Username), message.Author.DisplayName, message.Body, timeCssClass, Formatter.FormatTime(message.DateCreated));
How can I change the implementation of that method if I can't override it? Any suggestions? Thanks!