+1  A: 
  • If your specific requirements are core to your business; ie part of your business is to provide a smooth and user-friendly deployment/installation and you feel that none of the available deployment libraries can let you achieve this, then certainly go ahead and build your own.
  • If your specific requirements would be nice to have but they do not make a significant part of your business; ie the end user will not typically be expecting or needing a smooth installation procedure, or will never need to do that themselves (ie they pass that step onto their IT department), then the need to build your own just for your own specific requirements is likely to be outweighed by the extra effort that would involve.

I think that your impression that you will be needing a custom solution is a sound one; it seems like your requirements are going to be key to the experience of your product, especially if you need really smooth automatic updates and feedback.


It doesn't have everything on your list, but have you looked at InstallAware. It's easy to use with drag and drop scripting. It has web deployment. It's expensive and IA are kind of pushy about upgrades which is annoying, but I'm happy with the result.

John McC
I do love StackOverflow. Thanks John. I am checking out InstallAware now and have updated my question to include it.
+8  A: 

I would urge caution on Installaware. We recently had a shocking experience with their customer support.

We followed one of their sample projects to the letter which failed miserably. Raised a support ticket with customer support and were told it was going to cost us $199 for them to look at fixing their own code.

We then raised the same issue in the user forums and were promptly banned because this constituted cross posting and was not allowed. Even though this is not mentioned in their terms and conditions. In fact, they banned our IP so no one in our company can post to the forums.

A very poor experience and one we wont repeat. We are now looking to replace Installaware as soon as possible.

Purchase Installaware at your own peril.

Similar situation. Customer service is terrible. Add to that their branding all over the resulting installer even after charging such a high price.
+5  A: 

Absolutely agree with poster who said to stay away from InstallAware. They've had a long history of really absurd ethics problems, and they treat their own customers horribly. They can be downright abusive and insulting.

Beware InstallAware!

+2  A: 

I completely agree about InstallAware.

After using WiX, NSIS and InstallAware, I have to humbly admit that they were all overkill for what I really need as a software developer. There are no projects that I've done so far which couldn't be deployed using the Visual Studio deployment project.

Is it limited? Yes.

It is also very simple to learn an use. Moreover, you actually can do really neat things like automatically create patches (.MSP files) by using techniques as described here

I fully understand that you can't do everything inside of a Visual Studio setup project, but it's rather surprising what you can accomplish. It's free, it's easy and, frankly, for general use is a better option than spending endless hours learning WiX's mind-boggling XML (impressive as it is), or InstallAware's verbose scripts...

With VS Setup, it's drag'n'drop & build'n'deploy. Every other solution I've tried had set backs... they can't automatically detect your project output... or need special filters so as not to include unwanted outputs from the build.

My suggestion is thus: If you simply wish to get your project deployed, then learn:

  1. How to build a custom installer class, and
  2. How to author your own pre-requisite packages

These are both reasonably easy skills to master, and satisfy the needs of most developers.

Thanks Mark for an interesting perspective :)
+3  A: 

Let me start by saying we offer a complete updating solution which includes:

wyUpdate handles all of the Vista/Windows 7 UAC problems and all the file permission problems that inevitably pop up when you're trying to update complex software.

That being said, if you want to build your own updater here are some tips:

Building your own updater

A good place to start is the wyUpdate C# source code I mentioned above. You can cannibalize it and use it for your own purposes. Some of the algorithms it contains:

  • Full Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC support
  • Ability for limited users to check and then update if they have credentials
  • Support for wonky corporate inernet. (If you've ever worked with a corporation this is a real problem).
  • Quick extracting, patching, and installing of files.
  • Registry support.
  • Roll back files & registry on error or cancellation by the user
  • Self-update (no files left behind)

We also have the file specifications here.

Automatic updating

Since being automatic is a requirement let me tell you how we do it with our AutomaticUpdater control.

We use named pipes to communicate between the standalone updater (wyUpdate) and the Automatic Updater control sitting on your program's form. wyUpdate reports progress to the Automatic Updater, and the Automatic Updater can tell wyUpdate to cancel progress, to start downloading, start extracting, etc.

This keeps the updater separate from your application.

In fact, the exact named pipes C# code we use is included in an article I wrote a little while back: Multi-process C# app like Google Chrome.

Wyatt O'Day
@wyatt-oday Thanks, i'll check it out