The ScriptService stuff in my opinion is a hidden gem in Calls to the script service do not passback form data + viewstate, they are lean, fast JSON payloads.
Heres the best part, ASP.NET3.5's scriptmanager can do most of the work for you regarding generating a JS method for you to call and also setting up any JS classes needed.
A simple example for fetching details for a "Person", assuming Person is a C# class.
In PersonService.asmx:
namespace MyProj.Services {
public class PersonService : System.Web.Services.WebService
[WebMethod, ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public Person GetPersonDetails(int id)
/* return Logic here */
In DetailsPage.aspx
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/PersonService.asmx" />
By using a setup like this, you won't even need the help of JQuery to call the service and get back a JS version of your C# Person class, .net does that all for you.
An example of using this service from JS would be:
MyProj.Services.PersonService.GetPersonDetails(id, _onDetailsCallbackSuccess, _requestFailed, null);
_onDetailsCallbackSuccess: function(result, userContext, methodName) {
//all persons properties are now intact and available
document.getElementById('txtFirstname').value = result.Firtname;
Anyway, it would be more then worth looking into the ASP.NET Ajax ScriptService stuff. Even if you decide not to use it this time it's a pretty wicked feature.