I'm sure there must be a much better way of doing this. I'm trying to do a count operation on a Flags enum. Before I was itterating over all the possible values and counting the succesful AND operations.
public enum Skills
None = 0,
Skill1 = 1,
Skill2 = 2,
Skill3 = 4,
Skill4 = 8,
Skill5 = 16,
Skill6 = 32,
Skill7 = 64,
Skill8 = 128
public static int Count(Skills skillsToCount)
Skills skill;
for (int i = 0; i < SkillSet.AllSkills.Count; i++)
skill = SkillSet.AllSkills[i];
if ((skillsToCount & skill) == skill && skill != Skills.None)
return count;
I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this though, but must be suffering from a mental block. Can anyone advise a nicer solution?