




I've just upgraded to jQuery 1.3.2, which has mostly been fine, but I'm missing something when it comes to the new event model (I think)



This used to work, but the error "too much recursion" is popping out on this line:


How can this cause recursion, hide() hides something, what's to go wrong?


I've discovered that if I remove the references to jQuery UI 1.7.1 script library the problem goes away. Even if I'm not calling anything in the jQuery UI library, but have it included I get the error.

+6  A: 

For starters, try using



Otherwise, you're implicitly searching for, and returning all ul elements on the page and then passing that massive result to the "next" function.

According to the documentation, 'next' takes a string, an expression, that is used to filter its traversal.

$("ul") however, executes a DOM query and returns a jQuery object.

Kent Fredric
That's helpful, I must have missunderstood the original docs.
+4  A: 

Instead of this:


try this:


When calling next(), you only need to pass a CSS selector string, not an entire jQuery object. Documentation: http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/next#expr

jQuery UI may be at fault because, when it's imported into your application, it overrides the standard jQuery hide() function. See line 3812 in the source: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.1/jquery-ui.js

Ron DeVera