Inspired by, try to solve this problem using the least number of keystrokes.
Sadly, you can only compete with Perl/PHP/Python/Ruby and I would love to see this problem solved in other not so traditional languages.
Inspired by, try to solve this problem using the least number of keystrokes.
Sadly, you can only compete with Perl/PHP/Python/Ruby and I would love to see this problem solved in other not so traditional languages.
Just the function - returns a list of prime factors (49 significant* characters):
sub p {
$p = $_[0];
return if $p == 1;
$p % $_ or return($_, p($p/$_)) for 2..$p;
Used to find primes of a constant (23 significant* characters):
$, = " ";
print p(10), "\n";
Used to find primes of a number from user input (28 significant* characters):
$, = " ";
print p(<STDIN>), "\n";
* "Significant" characters are non-whitespace as well as any whitespace that is needed for proper syntax. For anyone curious, significant whitespace is in bold. :P
printf'%d: ',$n=<>;for($p=1;$n>=++$p;){for($i=0;0==$n%$p;$i++){$n/=$p}print$p,
$i>1?"^$i ":" "if$i}
printf '%d: ', $n = <>;
for ($p = 1; $n >= ++$p;) {
for ($i = 0; 0 == $n % $p; $i++) {
$n /= $p
print "$p", $i > 1 ? "^$i " : ' ' if $i
I've started to learn Haskell recently - here's an attempt in that lesser known (but very nice) language.
main=readLn>>=print.f 2
f a 1=[]
f a x=if x`mod`a==0 then show a:f a(x`div`a)else f(a+1)x
89 characters, but cheating really because again the output format isn't right. I tried to correct the output but couldn't get it less than 208 chars:
import List
w n=putStrLn.foldl1(++).v 2$n
m a=' ':head a++j(length a)
v n=((s n++":"):)
j 1=[]
j n='^':s n
f a 1=[]
f a x=if x`mod`a==0 then s a:f a(x`div`a)else f(a+1)x
Any improvements welcomed. On a side note, I was amazed how much whitespace GHC lets you remove without complaining.
"$i`: "+(
) |
sort |
group |
Almost ungolfed currently.
def r(x,d):d[x]=d.setdefault(x,0)+1;return d
y=lambda x,d:d==x and {x:1} or x%d and y(x,d+1) or r(d,y(x/d,2))
print "%d: %s"%(p," ".join([`x`+("^"+`c` if ~-c else "") for x,c in y(p,2).items()]))
My first code golf, don't judge. Probably a lot of optimization that could be done.
On the upside, it formats properly.