



Hi all

I have been trying to write a C program which generates all possible permutations of a string (eg 123 in code below). I succeeded but it generates some garbage values after each possible permutation. Please help me in finding the possible cause. Is it something to do with initialization? Code:

#include <stdio.h>
void permute(char number[],char out[],int level,int used[]);
int main()
    char number[] = "123";
    char out[3] = "asd";    // Random initialization
    int used[] = {0,0,0};    // To check if number has been used in the string output
void permute (char number[],char out[],int level,int used[])
    if (level == 3)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 3;i++ )
            if( used[i] == 1) continue;
            out[level] = number[i];
            used[i] = 1;
            permute( number, out, level + 1,used );
            used[i] = 0;
+1  A: 

My C is very rusty, but my guess is that it is caused by the fact that your character array is not null terminated.

One option is to print out each character individually:

if (level == 3)
    int p;
    for(p=0 ; p<3 ; p++) {
        printf("%c", out[p]);
Peter Richards
putchar() or putc() might be a bit better than a full printf(), not that it matters an awful lot.
Chris Lutz
Yup it works now! I null terminated it and it works fine now. This are nothing but consequences of switching from Java to C for a while where things are so taken care of itself! Thanks a lot!
@Chris Lutz : Like I said, my C is very rusty :-D
Peter Richards

If you think it should stop printing the contents of out after the first three characters, ask yourself how it would know to do so.

Marty Lamb
Thnx for the comments! I thought since I have set the limits of array to be 3, it will automatically know where to stop. I get it now :-).
C *never* automatically knows where to stop. ;-)
David Zaslavsky
LOL. I love that about C.
+2  A: 

char out[3] = "asd"; // Random initialization

Change this to out[4] so you have room for the terminating \0 character, and it should work as you expect it to.

Brian Mitchell
Or make it out[].