I need to setup an image menu. The client wants a specific font and the tabs aren't really CSS-able. That said, I am wondering what the approach is to maintain state on selected menu items?
For example: Lets say I have 5 tabs
When the user clicks on the 'YOUTH' menu item, they are taken to the 'youth.aspx' page which contains blog post summaries relevant to that menu item. On the bottom of the blog post summaries there are links to - "READ MORE >". The read more link takes them to the 'blogpost.aspx' page. How do I keep the 'YOUTH' menu item in a selected state when I go to 'blogpost.aspx' and likewise - how do I keep the other tabs in a selected state when I go to 'blogposts.aspx' from their blog summaries?
ADDED: The framework I am building on has URL rewriting, so I can create routes and generate query string params which are hidden from the user. I'm guessing one such way is to have all the master pages map the querystring param to a 'selected' state in the menu.
I have a few ideas, but I would like to hear suggestions from people that know much more than me.
Thank you.