Hi i received a request to create a Music Player with specific features ,sincerely i did not develop a Music Player in past time(just 7 months i began to develop programs Smile ). I try to explain correctly these features requested right now. This Music Player will Play music in modality "Random" (first request) downloading songs from a folder and one more request is to change "Genre" of music each 4 hours for example:
- from 8am to 12am :it plays "Romantic" songs;
- from 12am to 4pm :it plays "Latin" songs;
- from 4pm to 8pm : it plays "Rock" songs;
- from 8pm to midnight : it plays "Dance" music;
My purpose is to create different song's folder for each Genre and give respective TitleName(Romantic,Latin,Rock,etc..etc..) and when start the music player will automatic download the song's folder following the time slot...i hope to be clear. So i ask you some advice about the code how organize these features because i don't know how change the Genre Music for hours and put the music player in modality Random . I hope don't give you bother. Thanks in advantage.
Nice Regards