I'm having some issues with this - some reason updateCurrentItem is always called with the same parameter regardless.
function updatePromoList(query) {
query = query.toUpperCase();
var numItems = 0;
currentItem = 0;
result_set = cached[query.charAt(0)][query.charAt(1)][query.charAt(2)];
for(i in result_set){
if(numItems >= NUMBER_MATCHES){
$("<li/>").html("<span style='color: #aaa'>Please try to limit your search results</span>").appendTo("#possibilities").mouseover(function(event){ updateCurrentItem(numItems+1); });
promo = result_set[i];
found_number = false;
if (!promo.client)
found_number = (promo.prj_number.toString().substr(0,query.length) == query) ? true : false;
if (query.length >= MATCH_NAME) {
if(promo.prj_name && typeof promo.prj_name == 'string'){
found_name = promo.prj_name.toUpperCase().indexOf(query);
} else {
found_name = -1;
if (promo.client)
found_client = promo.client_name.toString().indexOf(query);
found_client = -1;
} else {
found_name = -1;
found_client = -1;
if(found_client >= 0) {
var thisIndex = numItems+1;
console.log("setting", thisIndex);
$("<li/>").text(promo.client_name).bind('click',function(e){ updatePromoChoice(e,promo); }).appendTo("#possibilities").mouseover(function(event){ updateCurrentItem(thisIndex); }); } else if(found_name >= 0 || found_number) { var thisIndex = numItems+1;
console.log("setting", thisIndex);
$("<li/>").text(promo.prj_number+": "+promo.prj_name).bind('click',function(e){ updatePromoChoice(e,promo); }).appendTo("#possibilities").mouseover(function(event){ updateCurrentItem(thisIndex); });
if(found_number || found_client >= 0 || found_name >= 0){
function updateCurrentItem(i){ currentItem = i; console.log("updating to", i); }
The results of running this are:
setting 0 setting 1 setting 2 setting 3 setting 4 setting 5 setting 6 setting 7 setting 8 setting 9 setting 10 setting 11 setting 12 setting 13
then when I move my mouse over the content area containing these <li>s with the mouseOver events, all I ever see is:
updating to 4
ALWAYS 4. Any ideas?