I need to create a table of attributes where each record is essentially just a name-value pair. The problem is that the value can be a string, integer or decimal and I'm using MySQL which doesn't support table inheritance. So, the question is - should I create a separate table for each value type or should I just create str_value, int_value and dec_value columns with an additional value_type column that tells you which type to use? There won't be many records in this table (less than 100), so performance shouldn't be much of an issue, but I just don't want to make a design decision that's going to make the SQL more complex than it has to be.
If you create different columns for each type, you're going to have to be smart about it in your code anyway...
Why not just store everything as a string and convert to the desired type in your code?
2009-03-25 16:26:15
When querying the database, you will always receive strings, no matter what the column type is - so there is no reason to make a design decision here - just store everything as a string.
By the way: Having an additional value_type column is redundant - the entry has the type of the only column that has a not-null value.
2009-03-25 16:35:08
You said "the entry has the type of the only column that has a not-null value." How would you determine that in a SQL select statement?
Jason Roberts
2009-03-25 16:42:23
It's ugly, but something like this should work:SELECT IF(str_value IS NOT NULL,'str',IF(int_value IS NOT NULL,'int','dec')) AS type,IF(str_value IS NOT NULL,str_value,IF(int_value IS NOT NULL,int_value,dec_value)) FROM table
2009-03-25 16:49:05
I would use an ugly case or if statement. Or I would query all columns at once and check in the application. Or would you rather query twice - once to check the type column and once more to retrieve the value?
2009-03-25 17:37:19
Having different tables, or even multiple columns where only one of the 3 are populated, is going to be a nightmare. Store it all as varchar along with a type column.
Todd R
2009-03-25 16:39:19