



Where can I find a good comparison between SQL server and Oracle?

(Note the original question referred to "...types...function...". Perhaps the original asker could clarify what was meant.)

+1  A: 

Oracle vs. SQL Server: Face-off

Do you have some specific items that you would like comparisons about?

FYI: GIYF answers are not welcome on SO.
Geoffrey Chetwood
The comparison linked to is 5½ years old(!)
Troels Arvin

In regard to the article in the Answer from RMZ, it's very dated. I'm an Oracle fanatic but I'll completely admit that SS2005 takes some large steps towards Oracle's Enterprise Edition. SS2008 a little bit more. But while SS2005 was catching up, Oracle wasn't standing still and was setting new bars for MS to hurdle.


I am not really sure what type of answer you are expecting, but this page compares different RDBMS by the means of how well they implements SQL Standard. Even if the page do not answer you question I think it is a good reading anyway.

Comparison of different SQL implementations:

Joakim Backman