



Are there any C# attributes that I can apply to class members, to change the way they appear in the Intellisense listings? This popped into my head when I was building a class with many static constants, and I (briefly!) wanted it to look like an enumeration in Intellisense.

Yes, that's silly.

But it got me thinking - is there any way some crazy programmer can make a class members appear differently in the Intellisense? Make fields look like properties, etc?

For instance, there's the Obsolete attribute:

[Obsolete("Stop using this. Really. It's old.")]
public int VariableThatIsReallyOld;

Which prefixes the word [obsolete] to the description of VariableThatIsReallyOld.

+3  A: 

There's the DebuggerDisplay attribute described here.

Kewl! I never knew about that!
+2  A: 

I tend to think that manipulating the comments is a much better proposition.

/// Bomb!
///<example></example><value></value><![CDATA[]]><param name="ss"></param><exception   cref="ss"></exception><remarks></remarks>

If you dig into the options available in the comment structure(which the intellisense and compiler understands) like <example>,<include>,<see>,<seealso>,<exception> etc, you can pretty get all the functionality sans performance dip introduced by the attribute.

Agreed! I really like that, especially with the GhostDoc extension to get me started. But is there any way to change the icons of the intellisense? I hope not... but I worry :)
+1  A: 

Turns out there also some other attributes at Custom intellisense for server controls? (But the search continues!)
