




I'm still learning some of the PL/SQL differences, so this may be an easy question, but... here goes.

I have a cursor which grabs a bunch of records with multiple fields. I then run two separate SELECT statements in a LOOP from the cursor results to grab some distances and calculate those distances. These work perfectly.

When I go to update the table with the new values, my problem is that there are four pieces of specific criteria.

update work
        set kilometers = calc_kilo,
            kilo_test = test_kilo                                  
        where lc = rm.lc
        AND ld = rm.ld
        AND le = rm.le
        AND lf = rm.lf
        AND code = rm.code
        AND lcode = rm.lcode
        and user_id = username;

My problem is that this rarely updating because rm.lf and rm.le have NULL values in the database. How can I combat this, and create the correct update.

+2  A: 

If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to match lf with rm.lf, including when they're both null? If that's what you want, then this will do it:

AND (lf = rm.lf 
  OR (lf IS NULL AND rm.lf IS NULL)

It's comparing the values of lf and rm.lf, which will return false if either is null, so the OR condition returns true if they're both null.

rm.lf MAY be NULL from the cursor on any pass through the loop. So, it isn't a condition. It could be lf = 10 on one pass, and on the next pass, lf = NULL.Problem is that lf = NULL isn't valid. lf IS NULL is valid. How do I go about creating that inside the loop when the data changes constantly.
Worked... i must have had a brain fart for a minute there. Thanks a lot.
The same solution again that a lot of people use:...AND nvl(lf,'N/A') = nvl(rm.lf, 'N/A') ...nvl is a function which says "if the first parameter is not null then return it, otherwise return the second parameter".
+1  A: 

I have a cursor which grabs a bunch of records with multiple fields. I then run two separate SELECT statements in a LOOP from the cursor results to grab some distances and calculate those distances. These work perfectly.

When I go to update the table with the new values, my problem is that there are four pieces of specific criteria.

The first thing I'd look at is not using a cursor to read data, then make calculations, then perform updates. In 99% of cases it's faster and easier to just run updates that do all of this in a single step

David Aldridge