Forgive me if this is a slight mis-use of the system, but I'd like fellow StackOverflow users to settle a debate a colleague and I are having.
As a general rule, I prefer each separate item of functionality to be encapsulated within a UserControl even if I know it's only going to be used once.
My colleage will eschew creating a UserControl in this circumstance and use a WebForm, arguing that if it's only going to be used once, what's the point of creating a UserControl - it just adds an additional, unnecessary overhead.
I argue that the additional overhead is negligible and it makes for better-organised code, and who knows, you may re-use the functionality at some point in the future.
So who's right?
It looks like I may get quite a few responses - my colleague and I have agreed that we'll count up the replies in a day and award the correct answer to whichever argument gets the most votes.
Further edit
Looks like I'm the winner :D
I've ignored posts that suggest we're both right, and counted an answer in support of each side as +1, and each up-vote on that answer as a +1 too. I win 11-6.