Pong started it all for me. Damn it was so cool to see that little blob of pixels move back and forth.
So when my high school started offering a programming class, I said yeah - I am going to make games!!!! We programmed on the Apple IIe using Basic. So cool...
The teacher even had a special Apple, called a Macintosh - that no one could touch. It was in the corner of the room with a weird remote control thingy tied to a string she called a mouse - weird.
After high school, my dad bought a Sanyo computer for like 10 grand, had a printer, and not one but two floppy drives, for his business. It wasn't long before I figured that one out too. I was the office programmer at that point.
But in those times programming was just a fun thing to do, I never looked at it as a career. So I got stupid again and took retail jobs for awhile.
Then one day - I was married ( a little too early maybe ) and couldn't make my rent payment. I sat in my living room crying, a failure. How do I tell my wife we would have to move in to her parents house, because I couldn't support us.
Something in me said "No you can do this. Think - what do you know how to do besides hawk electronics for peanuts?" And that was the start of my career.
Today I do something many people don't. I earn a living doing something I started doing for fun.
Whoo hoo!!!