I got a problem that is just killing me. One of my CSLA object (let's say Parent) has many children (let's call them Children - a list of Child). Parent is a Editable Root (BusinessBase) and Children is an Editable Child List (BusinessListBase) and Child is Editable Child.
What I am trying to do is to do this: Parent x = Parent.GetParent(id); IQueryable y = Parent.MyChildren.OrderBy("Age DESC");
In theory, y then should be filled with a collection of children sorted descendingly by their age (assuming "Age" is a property of Child object).
But, what I got is that y.Count() = 0. Although if I do a Parent.MyChildren.Count() there aren't 0. Is this a bug in Dynamic LINQ or CSLA? This (the error) does not happen in readonly list for me.
Help! Joe