Any recommendations for cheap .Net hosting that has flexible medium trust rules allowing the use of reflection?
- GoDaddy Hosting (info) - Really cheap, $5/month. And the most popular.
- DiscountASP.NET (info) - More expansive, starting from $10/month+. The good thing is that they are specializing on .NET
- SoftSys Hosting - Small company. But they are more flexible. They are also specializing in Windows Hosting solutions.
Koistya Navin
2009-03-27 10:59:08
Godaddy allow reflection? Not sure it does?
2009-03-27 11:30:16
If you like, I can upload your testing page and we'll see. You can also ask this question at
Koistya Navin
2009-03-27 12:22:58
Godaddy is medium trust, which means that u can't use stuff like IL emit(Nhibernate needs this for proxying)
2010-04-28 06:40:50