I have a web user control with a hidden field on it. When a javascript event (click) ocurrs, I am trying to set a value in the hidden field, so that the value can be retained on postback and remembered for the next rendering. The control is a collapsible panel extender that does not cause postback, uses jquery, and if postback occurs elsewhere on the page, it remembers if it is expanded or collapsed.
The problem is that the javascript executes, but does not actually change the value in the hidden field. If I use the dom explorer, the hidden fiend is still set to the default, and then when I debug, in the the next postback the hidden field is still set to the default as well.
I have also tried using the tried and true getElementById with no success.
No javascript errors occur.
ASCX code:
<input id="hiddenCurrentState" type="hidden" runat="server" />
1 using System;
2 using System.Web;
3 using System.Web.UI;
4 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
5 using System.Text;
7 public partial class Controls_SubControls_CollapsiblePanelExtender : System.Web.UI.UserControl
8 {
9 public string HeaderControlId { get; set; }
11 public string BodyControlId { get; set; }
13 public string CollapseAllControlId { get; set; }
15 public string ShowAllControlId { get; set; }
17 public CollapsedState DefaultState { get; set; }
19 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
20 {
21 if (!IsPostBack)
22 {
23 hiddenCurrentState.Value = DefaultState.ToString();
24 }
25 }
27 protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
28 {
29 BuildJQueryScript();
30 base.OnPreRender(e);
31 }
33 private void BuildJQueryScript()
34 {
35 StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
37 script.Append("$(document).ready(function(){\n");
39 //toggle based on current state
40 script.Append("if ($(\"#" + hiddenCurrentState.ClientID + "\").attr(\"value\")==\"Expanded\")\n");
41 script.Append("{\n");
42 script.Append("$(\"#" + BodyControlId + "\").show();\n");
43 script.Append("$(\"#" + hiddenCurrentState.ClientID + "\").val(\"Expanded\");\n");
44 script.Append("}\n");
45 script.Append("else\n");
46 script.Append("{\n");
47 script.Append("$(\"#" + BodyControlId + "\").hide();\n");
48 script.Append("$(\"#" + hiddenCurrentState.ClientID + "\").val(\"Collapsed\");\n");
49 script.Append("}\n");
52 //toggle on click
53 script.Append("$(\"#" + HeaderControlId + "\").click(function(){\n");
54 script.Append(" $(this).next(\"#" + BodyControlId + "\").slideToggle(500)\n");
55 script.Append(" return false;\n");
56 script.Append("});\n");
58 //collapse all
59 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CollapseAllControlId))
60 {
61 script.Append("$(\"#" + CollapseAllControlId + "\").click(function(){\n");
62 script.Append(" $(\"#" + BodyControlId + "\").slideUp(500)\n");
63 script.Append(" return false;\n");
64 script.Append("});\n");
65 }
67 //show all
68 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowAllControlId))
69 {
70 script.Append("$(\"#" + ShowAllControlId + "\").click(function(){\n");
71 script.Append(" $(this).hide()\n");
72 script.Append(" $(\"#" + BodyControlId + "\").slideDown()\n");
73 //script.Append(" $(\".message_list li:gt(4)\").slideDown()\n");
74 script.Append(" return false;\n");
75 script.Append("});\n");
76 }
78 script.Append("});\n");
80 Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "CollapsiblePanelScript", script.ToString(), true);
81 }
82 }
84 public enum CollapsedState
85 {
86 Expanded = 0,
87 Collapsed = 1
88 }