Here's a cunning evaluator class that gives you the JScript.NET Eval function within C# code:
static public class Evaluator
private const string _jscriptSource =
@"package Evaluator
class Evaluator
public function Eval(expr : String) : String
return eval(expr);
static private object _evaluator;
static private Type _evaluatorType;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1810:InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline",
Justification = "Can't be done inline - too complex")]
static Evaluator()
static private void InstantiateInternalEvaluator()
JScriptCodeProvider compiler = new JScriptCodeProvider();
CompilerParameters parameters;
parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.GenerateInMemory = true;
CompilerResults results;
results = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, _jscriptSource);
Assembly assembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
_evaluatorType = assembly.GetType("Evaluator.Evaluator");
_evaluator = Activator.CreateInstance(_evaluatorType);
static public int EvaluateToInteger(string statement)
string s = EvaluateToString(statement);
return int.Parse(s);
static public double EvaluateToDouble(string statement)
string s = EvaluateToString(statement);
return double.Parse(s);
static public decimal ForceEvaluateToDecimal(string statement)
decimal result;
bool s = Decimal.TryParse(statement, out result);
return result;
static public decimal EvaluateToDecimal(string statement)
string s = EvaluateToString(statement);
return decimal.Parse(s);
static public string EvaluateToString(string statement)
object o = EvaluateToObject(statement);
return o.ToString();
static public bool EvaluateToBool(string statement)
object o = EvaluateToObject(statement);
return (bool)o;
static public object EvaluateToObject(string statement)
return _evaluatorType.InvokeMember(
new object[] {statement}
catch (Exception)
return null;
You just then call Evaluator.EvaluateToBool(string). Lifted from an existing project, so you may want to tweak!