If you already have a way to represent sign-magnitude numbers (like the integers
that you said wouldn't be too hard), then you're already there ;-]
From Comparing Floating Point Numbers
The IEEE float and double formats were
designed so that the numbers are
“lexicographically ordered”, which –
in the words of IEEE architect William
Kahan means “if two floating-point
numbers in the same format are ordered
( say x < y ), then they are ordered
the same way when their bits are
reinterpreted as Sign-Magnitude
static public string DoubleToSortableString(double dbl)
Int64 interpretAsLong =
BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(dbl), 0);
return LongToSortableString(interpretAsLong);
static public double DoubleFromSortableString(string str)
Int64 interpretAsLong =
return BitConverter.ToDouble(BitConverter.GetBytes(interpretAsLong), 0);
static public string LongToSortableString(long lng)
if (lng < 0)
return "-" + (~lng).ToString("X16");
return "0" + lng.ToString("X16");
static public long LongFromSortableString(string str)
if (str.StartsWith("-"))
return ~long.Parse(str.Substring(1, 16), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
return long.Parse(str.Substring(1, 16), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
-0010000000000000 => -1.79769313486232E+308
-3F0795FFFFFFFFFF => -100000
-3F3C77FFFFFFFFFF => -10000
-3F70BFFFFFFFFFFF => -1000
00000000000000000 => 0
03FF0000000000000 => 1
04024000000000000 => 10
04059000000000000 => 100
0408F400000000000 => 1000
040C3880000000000 => 10000
040F86A0000000000 => 100000
07FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF => 1.79769313486232E+308