Hi guys,
My code below showing 444 Identical records when it runs. but when you run the produce hql statement below on SQL server its 444 unique records which is the what I am expecting.
Did I miss any thing?
public class AccessibleDocumentsDtoMap :
public AccessibleDocumentsDtoMap()
Id(x => x.RoleId)
Map(x => x.DocId)
Map(x => x.WithAccess)
.FormulaIs("case when AllowFullAccess = 1 or AllowEdit
= 1 or AllowRead = 1 or AllowView = 1 then 1 else 0 end");
//.FormulaIs("case when 1 = 1 then 1 else 0 end");
References(x => x.DocumentReference)
public class ProficiencyReferenceDtoMap :
public ProficiencyReferenceDtoMap()
Id(x => x.DocId)
Map(x => x.Description)
Map(x => x.EnableOnEditCv)
Map(x => x.EnableOnIntCv)
Map(x => x.EnableOnPrintCv)
Map(x => x.HideMode)
Map(x => x.TypeId)
My code:
IList<AccessibleDocumentsDto> documents = session
.CreateQuery("select distinct ad.* from
AccessibleDocumentsDto ad " +
"where " +
"ad.RoleId =:roleid and ad.DocumentReference.TypeId
=:typeid and ad.DocumentReference." + cvFilterCondition)
.SetInt32("roleid", roleId)
.SetInt32("typeid", typeId)
Statement got from NUnit:
select accessible0_.RoleID as RoleID48_, accessible0_.DocID as
DocID48_, accessible0_.DocId as DocId48_, case when
accessible0_.AllowFullAccess = 1 or accessible0_.AllowEdit = 1 or
accessible0_.AllowRead = 1 or accessible0_.AllowView = 1 then 1 else 0
end as formula29_ from dbo.RoleDocument accessible0_, dbo.DocCodes
proficienc1_ where (accessible0_.RoleID=@p0 )and
(proficienc1_.TypeId=@p1 and accessible0_.DocId=proficienc1_.DocId)and
(proficienc1_.EditCV=1 and accessible0_.DocId=proficienc1_.DocId); --
@p0 = '57', @p1 = '8'
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