



Hi to all, we're working on an application that digs data from an Oracle DB and a SQLServer one. In need for a (possibly free) ORM solution, I'd like to use Entity Framework, but it does not support Oracle.

Any suggestion? Thanks


NHibernate - list of supported databases

+3  A: 

NHibernate is an excellent .NET ORM solution. I have used it on many projects.

A more closed Microsoft kind of ORM solution is Deklarit. It works. It is probably easier for a novice to work with. However when you have problems you are more dependant on the Deklarit vendor. I personally would use NHibernate over Deklarit unless you are new to database tools and you are very fond of dev tools that integrate into Visual Studio.

Also see for a list of Persistence frameworks:

+2  A: 

Entity Framework is pluggable; there are meant to be a number of 3rd party Oracle providers for Oracle, such as dotConnect (tutorial).

Alternatively; DbLinq is a variant of LINQ-to-SQL/DataContext, and has Oracle support (plus is free).

Marc Gravell
dblinq is an interesting project but seems abandoned..