I'm using the SICP lectures and text to learn about Scheme on my own. I am looking at an exercise that says "An application of an expression E is an expression of the form (E E1,...En). This includes the case n=0, corresponding to an expression (E). A Curried application of E is either an application of E or an application of a Curried application of E."
(Edit: I corrected the above quote ... I'd originally misquoted the definition.)
The task is to define a Curried application of the procedure which evaluates to 3 for
(define foo1
(lambda (x)
(* x x)))
I really don't understand the idea here, and reading the Wikipedia entry on Curriying didn't really help.
Can anyone help with a more lucid explanation of what's being asked for here?
Actually even giving me the answer to this problem would be helpful, since there are five more to solve after this one. ... I just am not getting the basic idea.
Addition: Even after Brian Campbell's lengthy explanation, I'm still somewhat lost.
(foo1 (sqrt 3)))
Considered an application of foo, and therefore a curried application of foo?
Seems too simple, but maybe...
(((foo1 2 )) 2)
Into DrScheme gives an error (which I kind of expected)
procedure application: expected procedure, given: 4 (no arguments)
After re-reading What is Currying? I understand I can also re-define foo1 to be:
(define (foo1 a)
(lambda (b)
(* a b)))
So then I can type
((foo1 3 ) 4)
But this doesn't really get me any closer to producing 3 as an output, and it seems like this isn't really currying the original foo1, it's just re-defining it.
Damn, 20 years of C programming hasn't prepared me for this. :-) :-)