





I have been looking at OpenLaszlo. I could not find how to deploy a solo application.. What do I have to copy or what programs do I have to run?

I know the deployment type can be dhtml or flash...

Thanks in advance.

+2  A: 

For SOLO mode, you take the OpenLaszlo .lzx source "program" (expressed in XML format) and "compile" it into an Adobe Flash .swf file using the lzc utility.

For example, a hello.lzx source would be compiled as follows

lzc hello.lzx

into a Flash application called


Then you simply embed the .swf into an HTML page as you would any other Flash content. The client browser must have the Adobe Flash Player version 8 or version 9 to play the .swf Flash application.

To see the Flash application work right off the disk of your development machine, just point your browser directly at the local .swf file and it should show up in the browser.